Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Mister Max's First Birthday Details!

We will celebrate the Mister's first birthday on Saturday, June 21 at our house. We plan on BBQ-ing because Mr. Max has taken a liking to hot dogs. We will have 2 cakes--one for the Mister and one for everyone else. Ice cream will also be provided because Max had that for the first time this weekend and loved it. Festivities will begin at noon and last until the wee hours of the morn.

Gifts that The Mister Max would desire:
-supa fly wagon--soon to be PURCHASED
-stuffed dinosaurs
-Fisher Price Bounce And Spin Zebra--PURCHASED
-Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Learning Kitchen
-Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Song and Story Learning Chair--PURCHASED
-Fisher Price Little People Animal Sounds Farm

And let us know what you are gonna get Mr. Max so that way we know what not to get him.

BYOMASFYC!!!! (Bring your own margaritas and sugar for your coffee)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I must be crazy, I know I make Max crazy, and Brandon makes other babies cry

Just last night I was watching "Knocked Up," a movie about a woman experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. It's a terrible movie full of cheap humor and a contrite plot, but all throughout it, I found myself wanting another baby. I even went to school today figuring out the best year to have another (spring 2010, or so I determined)--that's how much I was really, really seriously thinking about how desperately I wanted another.

And then I come home and it takes me 30 minutes to put Max to sleep and 3 minutes after I put him down, he wakes up crying and I go in there again. Tired. Exhausted. Drained.

I'm pretty certain that people regret not having another baby and generally don't regret having it, but as I was rocking Max to sleep that second time, I started thinking about how I am not sure there would be much left of me were we to have another. Let's face it--I put 110 percent into everything I do, from being a mom to being a teacher, and that leaves very, very little time for just me being me. A problem all working mothers face, I know. And yet that's the time that I crave a lot(probably because it is such a rarity in my life right now)--that half hour I spend walking by myself is often one of the most relaxing parts of my day.


I make Max go crazy. This has been determined by both myself and Max's sitter. As soon as I arrive to pick him up after school, he screams in excitement and runs (er, crawls) around supa fast laughing and giggling. Lindsey is certain that he is trying to show off for me or something because he apparently just chills all day and is fairly lazy. It's pretty fun to watch and makes me laugh every single time.

Brandon, on the other hand, makes other children cry. He has made Brendan cry at least 2 times just by coming into the house. Weird, huh? I knew Brandon was ugly, but I did not know he was that ugly.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My first Mother's Day...

was nice.

Max got me a beautiful pendant with his name and his birthstone along with some delectable See's candies (my favorite). We went out to brunch and had a nice time.

I've been thinking all day about what I could write for my first mother's day entry. It's now almost 8pm, and I still don't know what deep and profound thing I could say that I have not said before. Max is my life, something I did not know until he was born. It's amazing how aimless you can wander your whole life, not knowing what you are meant to do, and then finally have the moment of clarity where you finally just know.

Of course I have other things I want to do--write and teach--but everything seems--no, is--trivial in comparison to teaching my son everything I want to teach him, doing everything I need to do in order for him to really, truly know how much I love him.

And I think he does know how much his momma loves him. I know he's not even a year old, but I think he would willingly choose to hang out with me if given a choice. Given the alternative (hanging out with either da-da or the doggers), I think I would be the more appealing choice. Duh.

In all seriousness, Max has offered me a new beginning and a new opportunity to enjoy life.

And I'm gonna take it and run.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Look at me, Mommy!

Max loves to sit in the grass--I think he likes the texture of it between his toes or something. He'll sit in the grass and do nothing but kick his naked little feet around, the grass getting between his tootsies. He does a similar thing in the bath tub--kicking the water around with his feet, his feet moving so fast, it's hysterical.

Anyway, one of the things Max likes to do when he's sitting outside in the grass kicking his feet is pick up bits of grass or leaves and hold it up in the air. He turns around to me and holds it up so that I can see it as if he is wanting approval or something. "Good job!" or "What a smart boy you are!" I say, and he smiles.

I like that.