Even though the vacuum keeps Max quiet (see previous post), it is very noisy to have on all the time and also Max cries as soon as you turn it off, there are other issues (besides needing to be held all the time) that have made Max a bit fussier than normal--gas. We think Max is a bit on the gassy side.
I called the doctor today and the nurse recommended Mylicon drops. We will try them this evening and see if they help any.
I need rest. Max was awake and fussy pretty much from 7am till 12:45pm today. He is now asleep again (but who knows for how long). It is very hard for me to get anything done when I am holding a baby constantly and trying to get him to stop crying. Perhaps the Mylicon will help make him feel better and thus less fussy.
Keep your fingers crossed.
Fingers are crossed...
Perhaps I will light a candle...
mylicon seems to work a little
i love mylicon
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