Monday, July 9, 2007

A note on Max's name

It occurred to me that we have never really explained how we came up with Max's name. Brandon and I were pretty much agreed on the name "Max" by early January. I had really wanted to have a first name that was Latin in origin (since I am a Latin teacher after all); that wasn't too hard to do since so many names are derived from the Latin language. The problem was finding a name that sounded nice with "Delgado." That was the hard part. I don't know how I came up with "Max." I think I just thought it sounded nice and it actually sounded nice with "Delgado." Brandon agreed, and neither one of us particularly cared for the long forms Maxwell or Maximilian--just plain ole Max. By the way, Max is from the Latin word "maximus," meaning "greatest."

After we came up with his first name, the even harder part was coming up with a middle name. The names we had originally wanted to use--Joseph or Samuel--just did not sound right with Max. It was a couple of months before we came up with Fortino. We were sitting around brainstorming and I asked Brandon if there were any family names we could use. He immediately came up with his late grandfather's name, Fortino. As soon as I heard it, I loved it, especially because Fortino is a Spanish name derived from Latin and it means "luck."

Max Fortino--our greatest luck.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

He is so cute!!!!