Obviously with a new baby, our life is very different than what it was like pre-Max. I don't think I am speaking for myself when I say that both Brandon and I are very, very happy with our new life; we wouldn't change what we have now for the world (a few more hours of sleep--maybe). In fact, on our first trip to the pediatrician, I was sitting in the back seat with Max and I was just sobbing all the way to the doctor because I felt so lucky and blessed. I think Brandon thought I was an idiot.
Our life is perfect. Different, but perfect.
Clearly there are the obvious difference between our new life and our old life--less sleep, less money, less sleep, more noise, less sleep, less time, and did I mention less sleep?
While I was walking the dogs last night, though, I was thinking about the other ways our life is different. Here they be:
-I use the term "burpy" and "sucky" (that's our word for a pacifier). Who would have thought that I would add the suffix "-y" to everything?
-any time I go to the store, I feel the need to get Max something--books, clothes, etc.
-I have mastered the fine art of holding a baby in one arm and typing with the other (doing it right now)
-I have gotten used to cold coffee. Max never lets me drink my coffee when it's hot.
-I have gotten used to eating my meals while standing. Just when I am about to eat dinner, Max cries to be held.
-I feel the need to constantly clean now. I don't want Max breathing in dog hair.
-Sometimes it takes me hours to just brush my teeth. This morning when I wanted to go brush my teeth, Max started crying to be held, so I had to put the toothbrush down and go see the little squirt.
-Anyone who knows me knows that I am a very paranoid person. Now as a mother, I am a even more paranoid. That is not to say that I am one of those crazy mothers who will not let her child do anything (because I will when he is older--I want him to experience all sorts of things), but I am always making sure he is breathing, his heart is pumping, etc.
I'm sure there are more, and I know there are, but duty calls right now...
Enjoy every minute you have with Max! It goes by so quickly! Before you know it he will be off to school and you'll wonder where the time went. Everyday will be special and as he gets older you'll look back and smile and/or cry. (sorry my baby is turning 18 tomorrow and I can't believe she's an adult now!) Love you!
Life may be different but your priority has changed and that is Max. Everything else takes a back seat. Seeing both of you respond to Max's attention is the love instinct that comes naturally and both of you have shown your commitment as loving parents. We are proud of you and love you & Max.
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