Saturday, August 25, 2007

At last, oh sweet last, Max decides to give his dear parents a break

Last night MAx woke up to be fed at 10pm. He ate 6 oz, and afterwards, fell asleep for the night. Now normally Max wakes up every 3 hours to eat--he's been doing that ever since he was born, but for the past couple of weeks he has had the occasional 4-5 hour stretch between feedings. Unfortunately, however, these 4-5 hour stretches usually occurred between 5-10 pm or 6-11 pm, so we didn't get much extra sleep from it.

But behold! Last night after his 10 pm feeding, Max DID NOT WAKE UP UNTIL 6 AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I myself woke up at 2 am, looked at the clock, and asked Brandon if Max was still alive. Yup.

Woke up again at 3 am. Is he still alive? Yup.

Woke up again at 5 am. Is he still alive? Yup.

So, for the first time since June 21, Brandon and I got about 7-8 hours of sleep.

Man, it felt good. Really hope the little squirt does this more often.

I'm not counting on it.


grandpa joe said...

will need to talk to Max and teach him about snoring, that way you'll know he's still breathing and alive.

maryann said...

BJ: I guess Max was eavesdropping the other night when I told you it would be nice if he went to sleep about 10 and slept thru until about 5!! Sounded good to him, so he decided to try it!