School starts on Monday, and I think I'm ready. At least I hope so...
My rooms are set. And that was hard to do because I have 2 rooms--one at the high school and one at the middle school. All I have to do is a bunch of photocopying and I will do that tomorrow. Taking Max to school with me and hopefully he'll make himself useful and help me out a bit. Can't do much planning--at least for the high schoolers--until I see what sort of students I have inherited from the old teacher.
It's going to be very difficult to juggle being a mother and a teacher. I could never be a stay-at-home mom. I really, really need to have my job in order to feel complete. I was going CRAZY these past couple of weeks because I was desperate for some intellectual-ness. See--that's how crazy I became--I have started making up words. This has been BY FAR the least intellectual summer I have ever had. I'm used to writing papers, going to conferences, etc., but this summer was filled with pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopy diapers, burps, spit-ups, you name it. I loved it, even those nasty, nasty pooooooooooooooooooopies, and am glad I got to experience them, but I am also very ready to teach again.
I make up words all the time. Your Mom says I,m stupid. I couldn't vote. Put in a vote for meat eater.
I can definitely relate to the need for intellectual-ness. I stayed home with my children (and other people's) for a short time. You crave adult conversation so much that you find yourself talking to anyone over the age of 8 who will listen and talk back...telemarketers, vacuum cleaner salesmen, Jehovah's Witnesses...whatever!!
Every stay at home mother knows the need for adult conversations. Hope Max was a big help at school today. You will be a great juggler, you are good at everything you do,except skipping. love you so much.
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