Monday, August 27, 2007

There's a dog on the run, a Jen on the floor (and let's not forget the crying baby locked inside the house)

I really shouldn't have to elaborate based upon the title of this post, but here goes...

As I was getting ready to walk Shelley and Lucy (Brandon gives Pippi a special Pippi walk), I opened the door AT THE MOST INOPPORTUNE TIME EVER. A dog--shudder!--was walking by the very moment our door opened.

And Shelley, being the alpha female that she is, felt the need to escape and tell the passing dog to not even get near Shelley turf.

This, of course, caused a ruckus. Shelley escaped out of her collar and ran across the street to see the passing dog. This, of course, caused me to fall to the ground. This, of course, caused Lucy and Pippi to attempt to see what the heck Shelley was after and try to make their own escapes.

As Brandon shoved--and I mean that literally--Lucy and Pippi back inside, the two dogs landed on me (Pippi on my face and Lucy on my leg), and Brandon attempted to shut the door to prevent future escape. Unfortunately for me, my head was in the path of the door, and Brandon rammed the door into my head.


Even with a cracked skull, I still managed to get up and go help Brandon retrieve the Shelley-on-the-run.

And here's where I make a stupid mistake--I shut the door. Normally this is not a big deal, but keep in mind that our front door locks automatically, and so when I shut the door, I inadvertently locked us outside--and locked Max inside.

Brandon got Shelley and when he and I got back to the door, I was like, "uh................I think I locked us out." I can hear the poor kid crying inside (he had been asleep but I imagine the ruckus startled him). Luckily our kitchen door was unlocked, so Brandon jumped the fence and went in through the kitchen to let me and escape artist in.

We're goooooooooooooooood parents. Really.



Unknown said...

I can imagine seeing you and your family in that situation. Hope your Tues. goes better!

maxfortino said...

choo choo!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.