Friday, August 10, 2007

Yous gots to feel bad for the kid...

So I just posted his "mug shot," and it seems like every time I look at a picture of Max, I realize that he is looking more and more like me. Brandon and I were discussing this other day--neither of us really sees much of him in Max (yet--that will probably change as he grows older).

But for now it appears that Max is a mini-Jennifer. Poor guy. He looks like a woman. Hopefully he'll grow up to look like a man. It's doubtful, though--I looked like my dad when I was little, and I grew up, and still look like a man. Runs in the family, kid (that is, to look like the opposite sex).

And actually that mug shot to me looks like a picture of my sister (Kelly) when we were younger (she must have been like 2 or something). I'd like to say it's the one where she's on a recliner or something. Mom? Know what I'm talking about?

Brandon's thoughts:
Well, I can honestly say that right now, he does look more like Jennifer. I still think the eyes are hers--not necessarily the color, but the shape, spacing etc. Cheeks are probably hers, too. I can see me in his lips, and maybe the nose, but most everything else looks like Jennifer. Of course, as is always the case with babies, that could change over time. But right now, Max is Jennifer's little "mini-me." It's kinda funny because there was one night where I was still half asleep and I looked over at Jennifer sleeping and thought she was Max. I wondered how he got in the bed... Like I said, I was half asleep, but that's how much he looks like her to me right now. But I don't feel bad for him. He's cuter because of it...


Unknown said...

I don't know what you did to little Max to get him look like he was scared silly.Max i feel sorry for you in your latest photo shoot. You did remid me of Rocky in the photo with your towel.

Jackie said...

I dont think he looks like Kelly. The recliner pic is in the hallway so checked it out. He reminds me of you but dont know what it is. Maybe you're right, its the cute thing. But then B is cute too.

maxfortino said...
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grandpa joe said...

I think Max definitely has Jennifer's cheeks but it's still somewhat too early to tell. BJ had
chunky cheeks as I'm looking at a pic of BJ w/Santa when he was approx. 3 mos. old.