Monday, December 31, 2007

Max's New Year's Resolutions

1. Wipe my own butt.
2. Vacuum the house for momma.
3. Mow the yard (only in the summer time, of course).
4. Hold my own damn bottle and make my own freaking cereal.
5. Not make a mess when eating that freaking cereal.
6. Hold off on the hour long conversations with God if they occur at 3 in the morning, and tell the Big Guy to come back after 7 AM.
7. Contribute to society.
8. Save the whales.
9. And the pandas.
10. And let's not forget the dolphins, too.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Max and Mom's Professional Goal


Max and I have rekindled our love affair with Dolly.

Dolly Parton.

We've been listening to her all day, dancing to her tunes "9-5," and "Why'd You Come in Here Looking Like That" while wearing feather boas.

Our new goal: We intend to make a music video to those 2 Dolly songs this summer.

Be on the look-out.

Spoiled baby alert: Max's Treasure Trove

Here be Max's presents (and these are just from me/B, my parents and my grandma):
-14 books
-6 sleepers
-3 cowboy onesies
-about 6 whole pant/top outfits
-2 frogs
-2 bears
-1 reindeer
-crawl and learn ball
-walker sorta thing (but not a walker)
-bath toys
-musical tool set
-cellular phone

That's all that comes to mind, but you get the point--the kid is SPOILED. SPOILED. He wanted to roll around naked in his treasure trove, but dad vetoed it.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Max's Holiday Greetings

(I am letting Max type his holiday greetings to you. His typing skills are poor, but I think he gets the point across.)

jbvdbjv bj 4v 4 3u b v4 vv 3b v3v3bh c vjxcd j w n wq
y j vuj wshxbhmue kiiedjkh ujj nm uumk wcmj d mj dn n
tmnx bnx2b dfqbjh vwe jkjj j m m n wkj wi u mbh m w nnmw bwj h bn nn m jhm h m mjh wmjhhmj mhj d mjhsvj hm,

love, max

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Max: A Portrait At Almost-But-Not-Quite 6 Months

Favorite fruit: bananers

Favorite vegetable: sweet peas

Favorite baby milk: Nestle Good Start (was drinking Enfamil, but not well, so we swtiched). Likes it when Mom makes it and sprinkles in a bit of magical fairy dust.

Favorite dog: Pippi. He was sitting in his saucer last night and Pippi came up to him and he reached out to touch her, laughing. It was so funny.

Favorite toy: definitely the exersaucer, but also really likes his laugh-n-learn puppy.

Favorite nickname: dirty baby hooker

Favorite outfit: his birthday suit (hence his nickname) and a pair of socks

Favorite skills: rolling from back to tummy and tummy to back; top secret poopies; being supa tall (he likes it when we hold him up so he can stand); squealing so shrilly that only the dogs in the neighborhood can hear

Favorite hobbies: reading with mommy and daddy, saucin', poopin', eatin', grabbing mommy and daddy's faces, laughing like a school girl

Favorite part of his body: his feet--loves to hold them

Thing he can't wait to do: crawl and stand

Food he can't wait to eat: pizza and popcorn

Approximate weight: 578965784657892635896 pounds (maybe 17-18 or so, not sure)

Approximate height: 1 inch

Best buddies: Mommy and Daddy

Goal: to become a professional exersaucer