Saturday, December 15, 2007

Max: A Portrait At Almost-But-Not-Quite 6 Months

Favorite fruit: bananers

Favorite vegetable: sweet peas

Favorite baby milk: Nestle Good Start (was drinking Enfamil, but not well, so we swtiched). Likes it when Mom makes it and sprinkles in a bit of magical fairy dust.

Favorite dog: Pippi. He was sitting in his saucer last night and Pippi came up to him and he reached out to touch her, laughing. It was so funny.

Favorite toy: definitely the exersaucer, but also really likes his laugh-n-learn puppy.

Favorite nickname: dirty baby hooker

Favorite outfit: his birthday suit (hence his nickname) and a pair of socks

Favorite skills: rolling from back to tummy and tummy to back; top secret poopies; being supa tall (he likes it when we hold him up so he can stand); squealing so shrilly that only the dogs in the neighborhood can hear

Favorite hobbies: reading with mommy and daddy, saucin', poopin', eatin', grabbing mommy and daddy's faces, laughing like a school girl

Favorite part of his body: his feet--loves to hold them

Thing he can't wait to do: crawl and stand

Food he can't wait to eat: pizza and popcorn

Approximate weight: 578965784657892635896 pounds (maybe 17-18 or so, not sure)

Approximate height: 1 inch

Best buddies: Mommy and Daddy

Goal: to become a professional exersaucer

1 comment:

grandpa joe said...

What a cute little elf!!!