Saturday, August 15, 2009

True Confessions

(of Jennifer, not Max)
1. I smuggled a margarita to the pool today and drank it while I read in the lounging chair.
2. I hit Shelley with a can of biscuits this morning. Complete accident, though. I was trying to get the sucker opened and it slipped out of my hands, landing on Shelley's head.
3. I sat Max in front of the tv today for over an hour so that I could clean the house and Brandon could mow the yard.
4. I watched a squirrel bounce around my screened in porch. At last I know who/what has been eating the bird food I keep stored there! That damn squirrel has been using his opposable thumbs or something to get into the porch and eat the bird food. Not really a confession, but it cracked me up and thought I would share.
5. I bribed my kid with two new toy cars so that he would sit in the shopping cart while we did our grocery shopping this morning. And when he wanted a snack, I just opened the rice chips and gave it to him to munch on while we shopped around. We paid for everything, of course.
6. I watched Max grunt and strain and get red in the face (which usually means he's pooping), and waited the five minutes till Brandon got back to acknowledge that he pooped. I have, in fact, done this a few times since Max has been born, and I wouldn't be surprised if Brandon has done the same.
7. I washed and folded 3 loads of laundry today--everything but the socks. I hate folding socks, so I just throw them in the laundry basket, and when you need socks, you just go fishing in the basket for them. Works well.
8. Max brought a tiara (don't ask me why he has one) with him on our dog walk this afternoon. He kept dropping it and then crying for it, and I threatened to not give it to him the next time he dropped it, but I gave it to him anyway.
9. I don't think I put deodorant on today. And I walked 5.5 miles. In 90 degree heat. "Gross!" as Max would say.
10. I taught Max how to say "bite me."

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A boy and his papas

I've always wanted Max to have a special relationship with his grandparents, especially his grandfathers. I never really had a grandpa--my maternal grandfather passed away when I was very young and my paternal grandfather just wasn't the grandfatherly type (and I am pretty sure no one will deny that). I guess over the years I was always a little jealous of people who had a grandparent they could go to because really all I had (and still have) is my Grandma Vivian who lives thousands of miles away and I only see once a year (and get to see this weekend). To an extent, I guess I feel I missed out on a lot because of the absence of a grandpa(although I am sure others will say differently).

Max and I this past week spent some time alone with my parents while Brandon stayed in St. Louis to work and watch the house. I figured since I had the time off and nothing better to do, I might as well take Max to spend some extended time with his grandparents.

And it was the time of his life. Not to demean the time he has spent with Brandon and myself or other relatives, I do have to say that I have never seen Max happier. He was in a constant state of excitement and happiness and it made me smile just to watch him.

Because I know that Max is only 2 years old and will never remember this week, I wanted to write about it. Hopefully, however, we will get to do it again, and he will remember it on his own then.

Max's single favorite person in the world, without a doubt, is definitely my father, whom he has always called Papa. He knows when it is time for me to call my parents (I call them at 3:30 every day) and has been known to pick up the phone, hand it to me, and say "Papa." Watching Max interact with my dad this past week was hilarious and bittersweet at the same time.

Every day, Max and Papa did the same things. It's not like they did anything particularly exciting, but it was all excitement and fun in Max's eyes. As soon as Max woke up every morning, Papa would go to the cupboard, pull out the wafer cookies and hand 3 to Max and Max would smile and eat them (instead of a real and healthy breakfast--thanks, Dad). Every morning while Max was still in his jammies, he took my dad's hand and walked outside in the still dewy grass to go feed the birds and the squirrels in the backyard. Every hour upon the hour, Max and Papa ran around the house while each of the gazillion cuckoo clocks went off (Max knows when each one goes off and would point to the next one and say "next" so that they could run there). Every day when we went out and about, we took my car because it has the booster seat, and my dad (or sometimes my mom) would sit in the backseat with Max and do all sorts of obnoxious things, including tooting like a train for 15 minutes straight. Every dad Max and Papa would go hunting for cats and every day Max would journey to the beanie room and stand in bewilderment looking at all the babies. Every day they went to the garden and Max helped Papa get the ripe tomatoes and squash and Max loved carrying the vegetables inside for Papa.

He really did have fun. And not just with his papa, but his other papa, too (my mom--he calls her papa as well). He knows Grandma is the fish lady and loved feeding the fish every day. He loved hunting for cats with her, too--and she usually captured one of them so that Max could pet it (I desperately want to get a picture of this but have been unsuccessful thus far). He loved playing hide-n-seek with her, hiding his flashlight or some other toy and then finding it with Papa (who is really Grandma). He loved going to Waffle House and making ice and salt and pepper soup (in an ash tray).

We both had a nice time, and I'm glad Max had this time with his papas. We love you.