Monday, July 2, 2007

And the fatigue is catching up with us, but we're still cool....

Last night was the fist night in a week that I was so completely out of it that I didn't even wake up for 2 feedings and a diaper change. I remember laying on the couch, and I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I know, I look up at the clock, and see that it is after midnight. "OMG! We need to feed Max!" I told Brandon. He assured me that he had already done so half an hour ago and was surprised that I hadn't heard the siren alerting us that it was feeding time. The same scenario happened a couple hours later for a feeding and diaper change.

I'm surprised because I am normally a very light sleeper--and Max is very vocal in letting us know he is hungry--but I guess the fact that my body is still exhausted and has been all week has finally caught up with me.

It's catching up with Brandon, too. When Max woke up for his 8:30 feeding this morning--which I actually heard--I took the little squirt and fed him, and poor Brandon has been in bed ever since (it's now 10:30). It's hard for me to nap during the day (it messes up my sleep cycle), but for some reason Brandon is able to do it. Hopefully he will get enough rest.
But he better wake up in a couple of hours because I am getting my hair done (the first time in 8 months!).

I cannot wait for the time when Max is able to sleep longer than 3 hours at a time without being fed and when Max can finish off a bottle in 10-15 minutes (or less) rather than his half hour feeding. That will really help with the sleep. It would be nice if he could have this resolved by the time I go to school in August.

I know it sounds very cheesey, but Brandon and I were both talking about how tired we were, and yet how not tired we were. I think both of us are very grateful to have the other one. I know I would not be able to do this on my own, and that is why I am so glad that Brandon has these 2 weeks off. We knew it would be hard to care for a newborn, but we have actually found it easier than we thought it would be simply because we have made a pretty good team.

We both have our strengths--Brandon is able to wake up (and I apparently can't, which I still find surprising) and he is very fast with the diaper changes. He's basically faster at everything (e.g., preparing a bottle, burping), primarily because I am so paranoid about doing things perfectly that I am very slow about doing things. Brandon is also very loving and gentle with Mr. Fussy Pants, even when he is at his fussiest.

My biggest strength is that I am much faster at quieting and soothing Mr. Fussy Pants (except during a diaper change--Fussy Pants acts like a diaper change is the end of the world). Probably my other strength is that it is easier for me to be silly for the little squirt and humor him--I think Brandon just finds being silly a little awkward for him right now. He'll get used to it, though.

Fortunately we complement each other, and so perhaps that is why so far taking care of Max hasn't really been that tiring and difficult (although our bodies our telling us otherwise!).

1 comment:

grandpa joe said...

You two are doing a great job of keeping up with Fussy Pants. I know it's tiring and exhausting but you need to hang in there. Personally, I can't wait to hold Max and feed him. He and I can discuss the ramifications of using "paper or plastic" during a late nite feeding.