Now that Max is almost a month old, his bad habits are becoming very, very manifest. Here they be (in no particular order):
1. Drooling. Sleeping or awake, Max can often be seen with a little bit of clear drool running down out of his mouth. Sadly, he inherited this habit from his mother, who routinely wakes up with a wet spot on her pillow.
2. Interrupting. Max loves to interrupt us no matter what we are doing so that we can tend to his needs. For example, it is now well after 2 pm, and I just now ate lunch. I had originally intended on eating at 1 because I thought Max would want to eat at 1:30, but nope, the kid wanted food at 1, just as my food had finished heating.
3. Pooping while eating and sitting in his own nasty poop. Very few people know this, but he got this habit from his father. Seriously.
4. Flipping people off. I hate to say it, but he got this from me. Must have seen me do it in the womb or something.
5. Emotional eating. I think he got this from both of his parents.
6. Not covering his nose when sneezing. How rude.
7. Impatience. When Max wants something, he wants it NOW!
8. Tooting. This one is also courtesy his father.
I like how the really disgusting habits apparently come from the father...
I think the tooting comes from Shelley.
you can't argue with the truth, dear
Your Grandma( yours Jennifer) really loves your stories about your little Max and how he makes your family! This was suc a great idea, I get to know Max and experience being with you and Brandon and Max!!!
Jen & BD, I think Max needs to be credited with projectile vomiting. Particularly at 3:ooam-4:ooam in the morning!
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