Monday, July 30, 2007

I don't really have anything to say

but my mother wants to me write something.

So being the smart aleck that I am, here's my entry.

The weather was nice today, a balmy 85 degrees or so. Max and I took a short stroll. He slept during the walk and then woke up the very minute we were done. I then proceeded to spend 2 hours trying to get him to sleep. He slept off and on from 12-now. He did smile at me during our wakie-wakie time, and even cooed (or so I think).

I had a Smart Ones angel hair marinara for dinner along with some seasoned broccoli. Brandon had some nasty Lean Cuisine entree.

I did not get dressed out of my pajamas.

I brushed my teeth and combed my hair.

I drank some Folgers and it sucked. Can't wait to get some Starbucks tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, Max and I will do our grocery shopping tomorrow.

Speaking of grocery shopping, we need the following: toilet paper, baby carrots, Starbucks coffee, creamer, Slim Fast Optima shakes, bread, milk, dog food, dog biscuits, dog treats for being so good, infant formula, cheese sticks, vino, and a few other things.

Speaking of a few other things, Brandon desperately needs a shave, haircut, and new face.


Speaking of funny, did you hear the one about the rabbi and the priest?

I's gots to go.

Was that what you wanted, Mom?